zondag 21 februari 2016

Cerebral Palsy

Because we can't visit our client before next week, we already did some research on her disability and tools that already exist.

Our client is a girl with "cerabral palsy", this is a different term for paralysis in the brain. 
This damage to the brain is caused before, during or after birth. 

- Problems with balance
- Problems with movements (arms, legs, hands, ...)
- Problems with tension in the muscles

The effectes can range from mild to severe, an impairment of a limb to the whole body.

Other possible symptoms
- Epilepsy
- Learning problems
- Problems with vision and hearing
- Problems with speaking

We suppose (because Tiene mentioned that Brenda has a mental disorder) that the client will also have difficulty with speaking. It's possible that she has swallowing problems too. 

Next week, we will also identify the patient a little more. If we have enough time, we will ask the patient (or her supervisor) some questions so that we have a good picture of our patient. 

This picture shows an example of how a child with cerebral palsy can look like:

Some tools that already exist
An adapted board to eat, which can be attached to the weelchaird. 
(Already a combination of an adapted spoon and plate).

Adapted spoon (with a thicker handle)

Adapted mug with handles

Plate with a 'bumper'

A grip/ handle

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