dinsdag 16 februari 2016


Before trying to contact our contact person, this is what we already know about the assignment:

Description issue?
Our client wants to be able to eat independent (with a customized spoon), but she does not have the motor skills to do so. She also has a mental limitation, but she knows very well what she wants to eat. Due to cerebrale palsy and some linked problems to this, she can only move her arm a little (limited amplitudo), so it's difficult to direct the spoon towards her mouth. Scoopiing up some food (with a customized spoon and support for the elbow) goes better. 

Why doesn't a standard tool suffice?
They haven't tried any tools yet, because Tiene has looked on different sites but she couldn't find any eating tool that she thinks are useful; she thinks that it will have to be a combination of different tools but she can't find this on the market. Especially the fixing systems do not meet the requirements. The client has her own (customized?) chair with her own table on which the eating tool can be attached. 

Which could be a possible solution?
A customized eating tool would give her the possibility to eat independent.

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