dinsdag 22 maart 2016

Prototype 9

Prototype based on "Prototype 8"
Tiene recommended using a flat handle, so the spoon wouldn't twist in Brenda's hand. We used the same loops as "Prototype 8" (but a little bit bigger, because it was difficult to get her fingers in the loops). The surface of the spoon is a bit smaller, 'cause Tiene said that the surface of the other prototype was too big for Brenda's mouth.

Test (07/04/'16):
We couldn't test the prototype, but these are some comments we got:

Expected positive:
- Smaller surface

Unexpected positive:

Expected negative:
- Brenda doesn't like the ducktape
- No plastic spoons (Tiene prefers coated metal)

Unexpected negative:

Score: Brenda/ Tiene gave us a score of  7 / 10

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