zaterdag 12 maart 2016

First Visit Brenda

Friday 26 february, we visited Brenda for the first time. We had a small problem, because she didn't want to eat anything, but we could already observe some of her movements. For example, she only uses her left hand. She also knows what she wants to do (she doesn't want to eat, so she gives it to someone else), but the movements are very rigid.

Tiene promised us to make a video of Brenda eating ('cause we couldn't stay till lunch), so we we would have something more to work with.

Some extra informating around Brenda:
- She's 15 years old, but she has a mental age from approximately 2 years.
- She works best with her left hand. Her right hand is a bit more spastic.
- She can't speak and she doesn't understand a lot of what people are saying. She communicates with pictures or with pointing what she wants.

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